Body Image: Mind vs. Media (Part 2 – 2014)

Ponder – Sometimes we are unsatisfied with a particular aspect of our body because of what we see through the lenses of the media. What makes “them” the expert on what is beautiful? Ultimately, the only expert on your beauty should be the person you see when you look in the mirror. Embrace who you are – flaws and all, and never forget that you were beautifully and wonderfully created.

Reflect – Write a 2-3 sentence comment sharing what feelings/thoughts you have about this video. Do you believe the media does have a negative effect on how people view themselves? Why or why not?

(Comments must be in complete sentences and posted by 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, 11/29/14 to receive DB #4 credit)

10 thoughts on “Body Image: Mind vs. Media (Part 2 – 2014)

  1. I believe that the media has a very strong influence on how people view themselves. Everyone wants to have that “perfect” body and looks that the media shows in magazines and pictures. This video has showed how much people try to make themselves look like people in magazines that do not look like their pictures themselves. So if the media would start having “regular” people that are not a size 0 shown in magazines more than maybe more people would start liking themselves for how they are naturally.

  2. I strongly believe that the media has a negative effect on how people view their selves. People insist that they should look like people out of a magazine, but fail to remember that people in magazines have their whole bodies edited out to look picture perfect. We are all beautiful in the eyes of God. No one is perfect and no one can have a perfect body. Everyone should be happy with themselves and know that they were made in the image of the Lord, who is perfect. For someone to say that they aren’t beautiful enough, or skinny enough, is crap to me, because they are disgracing the work of the Lord and he doesn’t make crap.

  3. I knew that the media had a big impact on how most people view others and themselves but until this video I had no idea the extent of that impact or the lengths of adjustments done to the ads we see on television and in magazines. It is so damaging to see these picture perfect people that so many strive to be like. Especially when it’s not even the actual people we see. It take away from the models true beauty to adjust the pictures to such an extreme extent. People are setting an unattainable standard to try to look so flawless. We should be happy with who we are and embrace what others may perceive as imperfections.

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