A Revolving Door

Italo Calvino said: The more enlightened our houses are, the more their walls ooze ghosts. 

Whether you believe in the supernatural realm or not, there is no question that our ancestral lineage plays a major role in how we function. It never ceases to amaze me when I encounter people who are hell-bent on breaking generational cycles, yet, they don’t have a clue what those cycles really are. We all have our share of skeletons, and some ghosts too, but we also all have a choice as to what to do with them. You can let them determine how you will live, or you can use them as a litmus, showing you how NOT to live. The choice ultimately is yours. As long as the ghosts of the past do not resurrect themselves into demons of the present, I see no harm in having them around. We live and learn…and then we die; it’s just one big revolving door.

Image credit: “love Don’t live here anymore…” – © 2009 Robb North – made available under Attribution 2.0 Generic

Soon-to-be a Bride-to-be


Dear Pre-Wedding Woes,

Who knew the pre-engagement stage could be so stressful? Not I, said the frazzled soon-to-be bride-to-be. I never truly gave this stage much thought. I earnestly thought that the stress of a wedding wouldn’t come knocking on my Victorian doorstep until the week before the wedding.

Darn romantic flicks! You have misled me once again! (Precisely why I opt for action and suspense over a chick-flick any day!)

I suppose that’s the part that baffles me the most. Is it the fact that I am such a perfectionist that I literally am planning ahead of the planning stage? Or perhaps, it is the fact that I want to get as much out of the way as possible now, in an attempt to avoid being the horrific monster known as a Bridezilla. Whatever the case may be, I do know that “this” is not the business – as my once teenage nephew would say.

To be honest, wait, I am always honest…what stresses me the most are the details surrounding getting my soon-to-be groom’s family to the wedding. Weeks like this would benefit greatly from a marriage into a rich family – I’m just speaking the truth. I am sure my weekly therapy session (counseling is a must right now) will help me filter through the stacks of lists piling up in my cranium, in order to leave some space for my brain to actually reside in peace.

Pinterest has become a sort of haven these days; a place to gaze and calmly sort through this mess of thoughts, while still being productive. At the end of the day, I am blessed to have been granted this moment in time to spend planning a future, my future, our future with the man of my dreams. Although everything that comes with him isn’t dreamy, I am reminded that God is in control.


A soon-to-be Bride with a wish for continued sanity

The Busy Bee

bee*buzz* buzz*

At 10 a.m., I left Statesboro, Georgia, in route to Augusta; took a flight from Augusta to Atlanta, and from there, traveled to Houston, Texas. After a 2.5 hour wait at the airport, I finally received the long-awaited transportation, only to arrive in my room and sit at my computer for another 3 hours – working! But it is no surprise that I was working on each of the two flights. For the past month, work (two jobs, 3 classes, and everything in between) have consumed most of my “free-time,” and have left me utterly drained to the point where falling asleep is a hazy memory that never lasts long enough.

The busy little bee – that’s me. It amazes me how just five years ago, I swore that in 5 years, my life would not be so hectic. Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think? A little too ironic, yea, I really do think!

But once again, I am making that same vow to not be the same frazzled little bee 5 years from now. Now will I cease to be active? Never! But will I spend more time doing things that contribute to the growth of my personal relationships and less time “working”? Most definitely.

Do I regret any of the tasks I engage in? Of course not. Everything I do is with purpose. The question now is, how much of the task’s purpose is beneficial to me? Looking toward the future, towards a tomorrow that is never promised, pushes me to work less, love more, and make as great a difference in this world as possible.


A bee on a mission to smell a rose or two…or three!